Amazon selects certain clients and provides them additional services in which clients can sell under the seller-flex fulfillment type. Amazon charges this fee to these clients and are based on their rate cards. In case of a refunded order, Amazon does not refund this amount to the seller. As of now, Amazon has a fixed charge for technology fees and its only for the sellers using seller-flex fulfillment. But the rates on Amazon keep changing over time. Even with fixed rates, it becomes difficult to keep a track of these rates when dealing with a very high number of transactions. This is where Cointab’s system makes the task easy. As it has its rate card setup based on Amazon’s rates. It helps make the calculation easy and generates said results quickly.

The Rate Card is as follows
For each order, the data is recorded and displayed in a readable format.

The system records the Technology fee charged by Amazon. It then shows technology fee calculated through the system rate card. The system also shows the difference between both and whether or not Amazon has overcharged this fee on a product. Since the data is arranged side by side and is very easy to understand it helps resolve any discord with ease.

This system then compiles this data as a whole and displays a very easy-to-read output.

The Output is as follows:
  • Total Technology Fee
    • This is the Amount given by Flipkart as the Technology fee.
  • Correctly Charged Technology Fee
    • When the technology fee amount calculated by Cointab is equal to the amount charged by Amazon in their reports. It is then recorded as Correctly Charged.
  • Overcharged Technology Fee
    • The system calculates the difference between the total technology fee and the correctly calculated total technology for every order. If the amount fee charged by Amazon is higher, then the system records it as Overcharged.
  • Undercharged Technology Fee
    • The system calculates the difference between the total technology fee and the correctly calculated total technology for every order. If the amount fee charged by Amazon is less than the calculated amount, then the system records it as Undercharged.
  • Found in Rate Card
    • For all order ids having all the necessary data for calculation, then the system records these data and their amounts in this Line column.
  • Not Found in Rate Card
    • For an order id, if some details required for the calculation are missing, it will then show those orders and their amounts as not found.

To see the other Fee verification processes, click here.

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