The pick and pack fee is a small fee charged by amazon to the sellers selling on their marketplace. This fee is only charged to the sellers who use the FBA fulfillment. This fee is charged per unit sold. The rate of Pick and Pack fees is ₹13 for Standard, and ₹26 for Oversize, Heavy & Bulky items. If an order is refunded or cancelled then this fee is refunded by Amazon to the sellers.
Cointab’s system has a rate card to calculate this fee faster and easier than any manual or traditional method.

The data is recorded and displayed order-wise.

The system records the Pick and pack fee charged by Amazon, then the pick and pack fee calculated through the system rate card, and then the difference between both and whether or not Amazon has overcharged this fee on a product. This data is then compiled as a whole and displayed in a very easy-to-read output.
The output is as follows:

Total Pick & Pack Fee
- This is the Amount given by Amazon as the Pick & Pack fee.
Correctly Charged Pick & Pack Fee
- The system calculates the amount based on the parameters of the item and then compares this amount with the amount reported in the Amazon reports. If the amounts are the same it highlights these orders as correctly charged.
Overcharged Pick & Pack Fee
- The system calculates the difference between the Pick & Pack fee and the correctly calculated Pick & Pack for every order. If the pick and pack fee in the amazon report is greater than the calculated pick and pack fee then the system reports it as overcharged fee.
Undercharged Pick & Pack Fee
- The system calculates the difference between the Total Pick & Pack fee and the correctly charged Pick & Pack fee. If the pick and pack fee in the amazon report is less than the calculated pick and pack fee then the system reports it as overcharged fee.
Pick & Pack Fee Not Charged
- Here The system shows the total of all the orders where the Pick & Pack fee has not been charged.
• The system shows the total amount for each of these and the total count, which is the total number of orders under each fee and the difference.