E-commerce businesses seeking global expansion face the challenge of seamless cross-border transactions. Fondy, a leading one-stop payment platform, empowers businesses with tailored solutions for smooth e-commerce payment processing. Their focus on reducing friction and enhancing user experience makes Fondy a powerful tool for boosting sales and customer satisfaction.

Revolutionize Your E-commerce Experience with Fondy

Fondy simplifies the payment process for both businesses and customers. Their intuitive payment gateway offers:

Easy Setup:

Get started quickly and effortlessly.

Comprehensive Control:

Manage your transactions with ease.

Seamless Checkout:

Provide a frictionless experience for your customers.
Boost Efficiency with Automated Reconciliation Software. Managing a high volume of transactions with Fondy requires meticulous verification. Manual reconciliation, however, can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Automated reconciliation software streamlines this process by:

Verifying Transactions Quickly and Accurately:

Save valuable time and eliminate human error.

Reducing Processing Times:

Get reconciled data faster for improved financial oversight.

Identifying Discrepancies Promptly:

Address any issues before they impact your bottom line.

Key Reconciliation Reports for Fondy Users:

Fondy Settlement Reports:

Gain insights into orders and corresponding payments.

Fondy Return Reports:

Track refunded payments for canceled orders.

Website Report:

Analyze customer orders placed through your website.

ERP Report:

Access detailed internal data for comprehensive financial analysis.

Bank Statement:

Reconcile transactions received by your bank via Fondy.

Fondy with Website Reconciliation:

Transactions appear in both the website report and the Fondy settlement report, indicating successful reconciliation.

Under-reported on Website:

The website report shows a lower amount compared to the Fondy settlement report. Investigate this difference.

Over-reported on Website:

The website report shows a higher amount compared to the Fondy settlement report. Investigate this discrepancy.

Missing from Website:

Transactions are present in the Fondy settlement report but missing from the website report. Research the cause of this absence.

Website with Fondy Reconciliation:


Transactions appear in both the website report and the Fondy settlement report, indicating successful reconciliation.

Under-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a lower amount compared to the website report. Investigate this difference.

Over-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a higher amount compared to the website report. Investigate this discrepancy.

Missing from Fondy:

Transactions are present in the website report but missing from the Fondy settlement report. This could be due to cancelled orders (see below).

Cancelled Orders:

Orders may appear in your website report but not in the Fondy settlement report if the customer cancelled the order before payment was finalized.

Fondy Reconciliation with ERP:
Found and Reconciled with ERP Reports:

Transactions matched between ERP and Fondy settlement reports.

Discrepancies Detected:

Less Amount Recorded on ERP Reports: Discrepancy compared to Fondy settlement reports.

More Amount Recorded on ERP Reports:

Variances noted relative to Fondy settlement reports.

Transactions Not Found on ERP Reports:

Recorded in Fondy settlement but absent in ERP reports.

ERP Reports with Fondy Reconciliation:

Transactions appear in both the ERP report and the Fondy settlement report, indicating successful reconciliation.

Under-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a lower amount compared to the ERP report. Investigate this difference. This could be due to factors like discounts or refunds processed in the ERP that weren’t reflected in Fondy.

Over-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a higher amount compared to the ERP report. Investigate this discrepancy. This could be due to errors in product pricing or taxes within the ERP system.

Missing from Fondy:

Transactions are present in the ERP report but missing from the Fondy settlement report. Investigate the cause of this absence. This could be due to:

* Cancelled Orders:

Orders may appear in your ERP report but not in the Fondy settlement report if the customer cancelled the order before payment was finalized.

* Unrecorded Transactions:

Transactions might have been accidentally omitted when entering data into the ERP system.

Fondy with Bank Reconciliation:

Transactions appear in both the bank statement and the Fondy settlement report, indicating successful reconciliation.


Transactions are present in the Fondy settlement report but missing from the bank statement. Investigate the cause of this discrepancy. Here are some possibilities:

Pending Transactions:

The transaction might still be processing at the bank and hasn’t settled yet.

Data Entry Errors:

There could be a typo or error in the transaction details between the reports.

Bank Reconciliation Delays:

Sometimes, bank statements might take a few days to reflect all transactions.

Bank Reconciliation with Fondy:

Transactions appear in both the bank statement and the Fondy settlement report with matching amounts, indicating successful reconciliation.

Over-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a higher amount compared to the bank statement. Investigate this difference. This could be due to:


A customer might have disputed a charge, resulting in a refund reflected in the bank statement but not yet processed by Fondy.

Fees Not Deducted:

Fondy may not have deducted all applicable fees yet, leading to a temporary discrepancy.

Under-reported on Fondy:

The Fondy settlement report shows a lower amount compared to the bank statement. Investigate this difference. This could be due to:

Delayed Settlement:

The transaction might have settled in your bank but not yet reflected in the Fondy report.

Missing Transactions:

Transactions might have been accidentally omitted when uploading data to Fondy.

Missing from Fondy:

Transactions are present in the bank statement but missing from the Fondy settlement report. Investigate the cause of this absence. This could be due to:

Bank Deposits:

Deposits made directly into your bank account (not through Fondy) wouldn’t be reflected in the Fondy settlement report.

Data Entry Errors:

There could be a typo or error in the transaction details between the reports.

E-commerce thrives on efficiency. But manual reconciliation of Fondy transactions can be a time-consuming nightmare for your finance team. Cointab Reconciliation Software offers a powerful solution to streamline this process.

Cointab Automates the Grind:
Effortless Analysis:

Say goodbye to manual data entry. Cointab automatically analyzes Fondy settlement reports, return reports, website reports, ERP reports, and bank statements.

Time Saved, Growth Achieved:

Free up your finance team to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth. Stop wasting valuable time on repetitive tasks.

Accuracy You Can Trust:

Cointab’s advanced features minimize errors and discrepancies, ensuring reliable data for informed decision-making.

Unlock the Power of Fondy Transactions:
Precise Financial Records:

Maintain accurate financial data for optimal business health.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

Streamline your reconciliation process and free up resources.

Competitive Edge in E-commerce:

Make data-driven decisions to elevate your performance and gain a competitive edge.
Don’t let manual reconciliation hold you back. Optimize your Fondy transactions with Cointab. Simplify processes, maximize resource utilization, and propel your business forward.

This rewrite focuses on the benefits of Cointab and uses stronger verbs and action-oriented language. It also avoids overly promotional phrases and emphasizes the positive impact on business performance.

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