Effortless Reconciliation for Hopscotch With OMS To Streamline Operations

Effortless Reconciliation for Hopscotch With OMS To Streamline Operations

Hopscotch, a leading online marketplace for children’s clothing, offers a seamless shopping experience for customers, guaranteeing high-quality products and hassle-free returns. This attracts a large customer base, translating into significant sales growth for vendors. However, managing a high volume of transactions can be overwhelming, requiring record-keeping to avoid financial losses.

Cointab’s automated reconciliation software simplifies this challenge for Hopscotch sellers. With minimal setup, the software automates data loading through various channels (SFTP, email, API), eliminating manual effort. It then cleanses and analyzes data, regardless of format, presenting clear and concise results for easy review.


This Hopscotch marketplace reconciliation software, integrated with Order Management Systems (OMS), empowers sellers to gain a comprehensive understanding of all transactions. It tracks all transaction amounts, allowing sellers to identify opportunities for cost reduction or revenue recovery. This valuable data empowers sellers to make informed business decisions, optimize operations, and maximize their success on the Hopscotch platform.

Reconciliation essential reports:

This section focuses on verifying order details from your Order Management System (OMS) against Hopscotch invoices. The software highlights potential discrepancies for further investigation:


Reconciled Orders:  These transactions represent perfect matches, where order amounts align exactly between your OMS and the Hopscotch Invoice report.

Less Amount Recorded in OMS:  These orders indicate a lower value recorded in your OMS compared to the Hopscotch Sales report. This could be due to potential errors in your OMS data entry or missing information.

More Amounts Recorded in OMS: Orders highlighted here show a higher value in your OMS compared to the Hopscotch Sales report. This might signify incorrect pricing or additional charges captured in your OMS that weren’t reflected in Hopscotch.

Missing in Hopscotch: These orders exist within your OMS but are absent from the Hopscotch reports. This could be due to order cancellations, processing errors, or missing data transfer from your OMS to Hopscotch.

OMS – Hopscotch Reconciliation:

This section flips the perspective, verifying information from Hopscotch reports against your OMS data:


Reconciled with Hopscotch: These transactions represent a perfect match, where order amounts are identical in both the Hopscotch Report and your OMS.

Less Amount Recorded in Hopscotch: Here, the Hopscotch Report amount is lower compared to your OMS. This could indicate missing charges (taxes, discounts, etc.) in Hopscotch or potential errors in their system.

More Amounts Recorded in Hopscotch: These orders have a higher value in the Hopscotch Report compared to your OMS. This might signify additional fees or adjustments applied by Hopscotch that weren’t captured in your OMS.

Missing in OMS: Orders highlighted here exist within the Hopscotch reports but are missing from your OMS data. This could be due to data transfer errors or missing order imports from Hopscotch to your OMS.

Streamlining Hopscotch marketplace reconciliation with OMS integration, this software simplifies the process for sellers.  Data uploads are automated, and the software even accepts custom inputs, ensuring flexibility. Sellers can focus on analyzing the clear and concise reports generated by the software, eliminating the need for manual data manipulation. This saves significant time and empowers sellers to make informed decisions based on reliable data. Ultimately, this translates to faster, data-driven decision-making, paving the way for secure and sustainable business growth.

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