Best Buy

Get set for a delightful journey with Cointab Reconciliation
as we make foorpanda reconciliation a breeze!

Best Buy

Get set for a delightful journey with Cointab Reconciliation
as we make Best Buy reconciliation a breeze!

Payment Reconciliation

Effortlessly oversee payment reconciliation, return handling and order margin calculations for a seamless and efficient business process.

Fee Verification

Verify shipping fees for potential overcharges based on SKU weight and zone differentials, and reconcile commission fees through sales report analysis.

Bank Reconciliation

Compare Best Buy report with bank settlements to pinpoint pending payments and address any shortfalls swiftly.

ERP Reconciliation

Effortlessly integrate ERP and sales data in order to pinpoint the errors in Best Buy orders, RTO and customer returns, enhancing your financial precision.

Payment Reconciliation

Effortlessly oversee payment reconciliation, return handling and order margin calculations for a seamless and efficient business process.

Fee Verification

Verify shipping fees for potential overcharges based on SKU weight and zone differentials, and reconcile commission fees through sales report analysis.

Bank Reconciliation

Compare Best Buy report with bank settlements to pinpoint pending payments and address any shortfalls swiftly.

ERP Reconciliation

Effortlessly integrate ERP and sales data in order to pinpoint the errors in Best Buy orders, RTO and customer returns, enhancing your financial precision.

Payment Reconciliation

Reports to Reconcile

Sales V/S Payment report 

Reconciliation Insights

Dispatched goods orders not found in the Best Buy report.

Payments pending to be received from Best Buy for dispatched goods 

Incorrect payment received from Best Buy for dispatched goods.

Best Buy orders not recorded in warehouse report.

Fee Verification

Reports to Reconcile

Shipping Fee V/S Rate Card

Commission Fee V/S Rate Card

Payment report V/S Rate Cad V/S SKU master.

Reconciliation Insights

Shipping fee overcharged based on SKU weight and Zone.

Overcharges on commission fee as per SKU.

Bank Reconciliation

Reports to Reconcile

Best Buy settlement report V/S Bank statement 

Reconciliation Insights

Short settlement received from Best Buy.

Payment pending to be made by Best Buy.

ERP Reconciliation

Reports to Reconcile

 Sales report V/S ERP

Reconciliation Insights

Best Buy orders not recorded in the ERP reports.

Best Buy RTO & Customer returns not recorded in ERP ledgers.

ERP Invoices where amounts have been mismatched from Best Buy.

Reconciliation Made Easier

Upload Data

Automate and streamline the data uploading process effortlessly.

Analyze Result

Gain a precise understanding of
due payments,
undercharges and overcharges.

Internal Disputes

After the analysis,
you can rectify the
differences internally
and aim for accuracy.

Raise Dispute With Best Buy

The team also has an
option to easily raise
disputes with Best Buy
for incorrect payments.

Upload Data

Automate and streamline the data uploading process effortlessly.

Analyze Result

Gain a precise understanding of
due payments,
undercharges and overcharges. 

Resolve Internal Dispute

After the analysis, you can rectify the differences internally and aim for accuracy. 

Raise Dispute With Best Buy

With the help of the downloaded reports through the software, you can easily raise disputes with Best Buy in case of any dispute.

Something Our Clients Would Like To Say

Vivek Pandey Finance Team, Keventers

Thank you so much for this amazing software. It’s really very helpful, it saves my time, manpower etc. Cointab automates and simplifies the reconciliation process with a great support team.

Shivani Digga Finance Team, Urbanic

We have worked on many softwares but we love the ease of using Cointab. The staff and support is very instant. They are approachable, proficient and patient. The team is very cooperative with the customizations. The experience of using Cointab was nice.

Neetu Dudanin
Sr. Executive Accounts, Aeronutrix

Cointab Team is very supportive & prompt issues resolving. Salute to them for their Hardwork. Much Appreciated.

Thank you so much for this amazing software. It’s really very helpful, it saves my time, manpower etc. Cointab automates and simplifies the reconciliation process with a great support team.

Vivek Pandey
Finance Team,

Shivani Digga
Finance Team,

We have worked on many softwares but we love the ease of using Cointab. The staff and support is very instant. They are approachable, proficient and patient. The team is very cooperative with the customizations. The experience of using Cointab was nice.

Cointab Team is very supportive & prompt issues resolving. Salute to them for their Hardwork. Much Appreciated.

Neetu Dudanin
Sr. Executive ,

Initiate the first step in optimizing
your Best Buy Reconciliation process.

Streamline and effortlessly simplify your reconciliation process with Cointab Reconciliation.

Initiate the first step in optimizing your Best Buy Reconciliation process.

Streamline and effortlessly simplify your reconciliation process with Cointab Reconciliation.