Streamline Your Delivery Operations and Reduce Errors

APC Overnight is a trusted provider of courier and parcel delivery services in the UK, offering businesses and individuals a range of fast and reliable options. But managing high order volumes can lead to challenges in accurately tracking and verifying invoices. Cointab’s automated reconciliation software simplifies this process, saving you time and ensuring peace of mind.

Overcome the Burden of Manual Invoice Verification

Manually reconciling APC Overnight invoices can be a tedious and error-prone task. Our software automates the comparison of your ERP reports, shipping invoices, pincode data, SKU reports, and rate cards, enabling effortless verification.

Key Reports for Accurate APC Overnight Invoice Verification
Pincode Zone Report:

This report identifies the zone based on origin and destination postcodes, a key factor in determining shipping costs.

SKU Report:

Each product has a unique SKU number that helps identify its weight and dimensions for accurate cost calculation.

Rate Card:

The rate card outlines the various shipping charges based on weight and destination zone.

APC Overnight Delivery Invoice:

The invoice includes crucial details like order ID, billing zone, product type, weight, and applied charges for efficient reconciliation.

Cointab’s Automated Solution: Effortless and Precise

Cointab’s software leverages the SKU report, pincode data, and rate card to automatically calculate the expected weight, destination zone, and corresponding rate. This ensures precise invoice verification and minimizes discrepancies.

Experience Seamless Delivery Operations

By automating invoice verification, Cointab empowers your business to streamline delivery operations. Our software reduces the risk of errors, saves valuable time, and allows you to focus on core business activities.

SKU Report:

Cointab’s reconciliation software optimizes weight management for efficient APC Overnight invoice verification. Here’s how:

1. Prioritizing ERP Data:

Cointab prioritizes weight data from your ERP report. The SKU code acts as a key to retrieve the product’s weight and dimensions, ensuring accuracy.

2. Handling Missing Weight Data:

If the ERP report lacks weight information, Cointab seamlessly retrieves the value from the APC Overnight invoice itself.

3. Calculating Volumetric Weight (Optional):

For products with available dimensional data (length, width, height in centimeters), Cointab calculates the volumetric weight using the industry-standard formula: Length x Width x Height. This ensures comprehensive weight consideration for accurate cost calculations.

4. Divisor Selection:

Cointab utilizes the divisor provided in the carrier’s rate card for volumetric weight calculations. If a specific divisor isn’t available, a default value of 5,000 is applied (common for many carriers).

5. Streamlined Data Integration:

Once calculations are complete, Cointab seamlessly integrates the weight data (actual or volumetric) into both the APC Overnight invoice and your ERP report for effortless reconciliation.

6. Rounding for Final Slab Determination:

The final weight is rounded off to determine the appropriate weight slab used for cost calculation, ensuring consistency with carrier pricing structures.

Pincode Master:

Cointab’s software simplifies zone identification for accurate APC Overnight invoice verification. Here’s the process:

1. Leveraging Origin and Delivery Data:

Cointab extracts origin and delivery locations from your invoices. This crucial information forms the basis for zone assignment.

2. Automatic Zone Mapping:

By matching origin and delivery locations against a zone database, Cointab automatically assigns the appropriate zone to each invoice. This ensures consistent and accurate zone-based cost calculations.

3. Multi-Tiered Zone Classification:

The zone database may categorize locations based on a hierarchical structure, such as regional, international, global, etc., with further sub-classifications (e.g., a, b, c). This detailed information refines cost calculations for complex shipping scenarios.

Rate Card:

Cointab empowers you to verify and optimize rates on your APC Overnight invoices. Here’s how:

1. Zone and Weight-Based Rates:

Cointab understands that APC Overnight’s rate card specifies charges based on a product’s weight and delivery zone. This ensures you pay the correct rate for each shipment.

2. Flexible Rate Management:

The software recognizes that rates increase with weight beyond a specific limit. Cointab verifies these weight thresholds (“fwd_wt_fixed”) against the invoice to ensure accurate cost application.

3. Data Matching for Accuracy:

Cointab meticulously compares key columns like “courier,” “zone,” “fwd_wt_fixed,” and the divisor between the rate card and the APC Overnight invoice. This ensures the invoice reflects the appropriate rates for your shipments.

4. Time-Bound Rates:

Some rates may have validity periods. Cointab can factor in delivery dates to identify the applicable rates, eliminating discrepancies due to expired rate structures.


Cointab simplifies understanding and verifying APC Overnight’s forward charges, RTO charges, and final invoice amounts. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Forward Charges: Understanding Weight-Based Costs

Weight Slabs and Fixed Rates:

APC Overnight’s rate card defines weight limits (“fwd_wt_fixed”) for specific zones. Shipments within this limit incur a fixed “fwd_fixed” charge.

Excess Weight and Additional Charges:

If a shipment exceeds the weight limit, Cointab calculates the “extra weight.” The rate card specifies an “fwd_add” charge per zone for this excess weight, ensuring accurate cost calculation.

Formula for Expected Forward Charge:

Cointab uses the formula: Expected_fwd_chg = fwd_fixed + (extra_weight) x fwd_add to determine the anticipated forward charge for each shipment.

2. RTO Charges: Handling Undelivered Packages

RTO Weight Limits and Fixed Rates:

Similar to forward charges, the rate card defines weight limits (“rto_wt_fixed”) for RTO (Return To Origin) charges based on zones. Packages within this limit incur a fixed “rto_fixed” charge.

Excess Weight and Additional RTO Charges:

Cointab calculates “extra weight” for undelivered packages exceeding the weight limit. The rate card specifies an “rto_add” charge per zone for this excess weight, ensuring proper RTO cost calculation.
Formula for Expected RTO Charge: Cointab utilizes the formula: Expected_rto_chg = rto_fixed + (extra_weight) x rto_add to determine the anticipated RTO charge for each undelivered shipment.

3. Effortless Final Amount Calculation:

Cointab seamlessly calculates the expected final invoice amount by combining the calculated forward charge, RTO charge, and any applicable tax percentage.


The anticipated total is calculated based on the product’s weight and its assigned zone. Subsequently, Cointab Reconciliation software cross-references the ERP report, pincode report, and rate card with the invoice provided by APC Overnight.

APC Overnight Invoice- ERP:

Cointab optimizes invoice verification by ensuring order accuracy between your ERP system and APC Overnight invoices. Here’s how:

1. Matching Orders for Weight Verification:

Successful Order Match:

When an order on the APC Overnight invoice perfectly matches an entry in your ERP report, Cointab can leverage the ERP’s weight data for verification. This streamlines the process and minimizes discrepancies.

2. Handling Missing Orders:

Unmatched Orders:

If an order on the APC Overnight invoice is absent from your ERP report, Cointab flags it for further investigation. This helps identify potential errors or missing information that require attention.

APC Overnight Invoice -Pincode Master:

Cointab optimizes invoice verification by leveraging your Pincode master data for accurate zone identification. Here’s how:

1. Matching Pincode Data for Verification:

Successful Pincode Match:

When location data on the APC Overnight invoice perfectly aligns with your Pincode master, Cointab can verify the zone assigned to the shipment. This enhances confidence in zone-based cost calculations.

2. Handling Missing Pincode Data:

Unmatched Pincode:

If location data on the invoice is absent from your Pincode master, Cointab flags it for further investigation. This helps identify potentially missing information or zone assignment errors.

APC Overnight Invoice- Rate card:

Cointab empowers you to verify and optimize rates on your APC Overnight invoices through comprehensive rate card matching. Here’s how:

1. Validating Rates Against the Rate Card:

Matched Rates:

When an APC Overnight invoice entry aligns with the rate card, Cointab confirms the fee’s validity. This ensures you’re charged according to the agreed-upon rates.

2. Identifying Unrecognized Charges:

Unmatched Rates:

If a fee on the invoice isn’t found in the rate card, Cointab flags it for further investigation. This helps identify potential errors or additional charges that require clarification from APC Overnight.

Fee Verification of APC Overnight Invoice

Cointab streamlines invoice verification for APC Overnight deliveries, saving you time and money. Here’s how our software empowers you:

Automated Discrepancy Detection:

Cointab compares data from your ERP report, APC Overnight invoice, and rate card to automatically identify potential errors or discrepancies. This eliminates the need for tedious manual verification.

Understanding Overcharges and Undercharges:
Zone & Weight Match:

Cointab analyzes invoices where zone and weight match between reports. It then flags discrepancies:


The invoice amount exceeds the expected cost based on the rate card.
Undercharged: The invoice amount is lower than expected.

Zone Mismatch:

Cointab identifies invoices where zone information differs between reports, even if weight matches:


Zone mismatch can lead to incorrect charges, potentially resulting in overbilling.


Zone mismatch might lead to underpayment.

Weight Mismatch:

Cointab detects weight discrepancies between reports, even if zones match:


Invoice amount may be higher due to weight miscalculation.


Incorrect weight data may lead to underbilling.

Complete Mismatch:

Cointab flags invoices where zone, weight, and fee information differ entirely between reports, requiring immediate investigation.

Stop wasting time on manual reconciliation. Embrace Cointab’s automated solution for efficient and accurate APC Overnight invoice verification. With Cointab, you can ensure you’re only paying the correct shipping charges, maximize your profitability, and free up valuable resources to focus on growing your business.

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