Flipkart Marketplace Reconciliation

Flipkart Marketplace Reconciliation

Flipkart Marketplace Reconciliation

Payment Reconciliation

Reconcile Flipkart Order report with Sales, Settlement, Return and Reimbursement reports.

Verify payments for dispatched goods
Verify inventory for RTO & Customer Returns
Verify reimbursement for lost or damaged goods
Calculate net income and margin per Order

Fee Verification

Verify Flipkart Shipping, Commission, Fixed and Collection charges per order.

Verify shipping fee based on SKU weight and shipping zone
Verify Commission fee per SKU
Verify Fixed & collection fees
Identify orders where you have been overcharged and raise disputes with Flipkart

Bank Reconciliation

Reconcile Flipkart settlement with Bank statement.

Verify transaction level settlement with consolidated settlement
Verify consolidated Flipkart settlements in bank account
Identity pending settlement with ageing

Reconciliation with OMS

Reconcile Flipkart reports with Order Management System (OMS) reports.

Verify all Flipkart orders in OMS
Identify any Flipkart order missing in OMS
Verify Flipkart invoice & settlement amount with OMS order, invoice amount
Reconcile Flipkart RTO, customer returns with OMS return reports

Reconciliation with ERP

Reconcile Flipkart Sales reports with ERP sale and credit ledgers.

Verify if all Flipkart orders are recorded in ERP
Identify any Flipkart order missing in ERP
Verify Flipkart RTO, customer returns against ERP credit ledgers
Verify net Flipkart invoice amount with net ERP invoice amount

Reconciliation made Easier

Upload data
Analyze result
Resolve internal issues
Raise disputes with Flipkart

Designed for Businesses

Reconcile multiple Flipkart reports with each other, OMS, ERP and Bank statement.


Verify if Flipkart is paying you correctly for each order and deducting correct charges

Save Time

Save time from data handling, cleaning and reconciling

Easy to Understand

Easily understand result between multiple systems

Raise Disputes

Easily raise disputes with Flipkart for incorrect payment or deductions

Easy Access

Easy access to the data and output anytime and anywhere. Choose who can get access


Automate your data upload and start analyzing directly

Start reconciling Flipkart marketplace orders with Cointab.

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