GlowRoad is utilized by social network-run enterprises, or companies that conduct business online. It puts you in touch with wholesalers and merchants directly. Simply download the app, choose the product, set the profit margin, obtain the referral code, and then share it on all of your social media sites to utilize GlowRoad. You get revenue when someone uses your referral code to make a purchase. In this approach, GlowRoad is incredibly beneficial for many social network businesses. However, GlowRoad charges a certain percentage of commission on every purchase. Reconciling the fee charged on every order is a challenge for social sellers because a number of orders get placed every day. They might not have the funds and resources to conduct this process themselves as reconciliation is a time consuming and lengthy process. Therefore, by using our automated reconciliation system for GlowRoad Fee Verification Process these problems are taken care of.

To verify the fee charged, you can just simply view the results displayed by our system which shows you the commission to be charged. It also points out if any commission is overpaid or underpaid on any orders.

Reports Used for Reconciliation

GlowRoad Order Report

Each and every order placed on GlowRoad and its details are present in this report

GlowRoad Payment Report

This report includes all fee deductions made by GlowRoad

GlowRoad Fee Verification Process

GlowRoad Rate Card

The rate card shown below consists of all the charges and the commission % to be charged on a specified categories for e.g., Men, Women and its sub category for e.g., Ethnic Wear, Bottom Wear, Western Wear which are again classified as per track pant, top, Shirt etc. According to the categories the percentage of commission by GlowRoad is applied. The dates between which the commission rate is valid is also checked by our software.

GlowRoad Fee Verification Result

The system calculates the commission to be charged by using the rate card. It then compares the calculated amount with the commission actually charged by GlowRoad in the invoice.  It also shows on which orders and how much amount of commission is wrongly charged.

Commission Correctly Charged

On these orders the Commission charged in the invoice is the same as the commission amount calculated by the software. So, commission charged on these orders is correct.

Commission Undercharged

The commission amount calculated shows more than the amount charged by GlowRoad in the invoice. Hence the commission on these orders are undercharged.

Commission Overcharged

Shown here are the orders on which the commission amount calculated by system is lesser the amount charged by GlowRoad in the Invoice. So, you have been overcharged on these orders.

As seen in the results displayed above the software conducts the GlowRoad Fee Verification Process for you easily. It completely automates the process and displays ac

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